Friday, August 8, 2014

School stuff

So I have decided to retake that one stupid class but I can't retake it until spring so to keep busy until then I will be taking extra classes just because. So this semester I am taking Linear Algebra, Sets & Proofs, Foundations of drawing, and French I (The last two are just for fun). Anyway I went to go find the books online and I can get the math books for less than $100 total which is a big YAY and then I went looking for the French books... well yeah they are crazy expensive it is required to have the book (ebook, hard back, or paperback) as well as the online homework thing. JUST the online homework thing is $180!!! Seriously because students just have this money lying around... the actual book is another $100-$250... It's only $100 if you rent it for ONE semester... again because students are freaking loaded??? Ugh I was thinking of taking German instead because I like it better but it doesn't fit into my schedule so I went with French. The German book is $50 to buy... no online homework needed... yeah... why can't German fit into my schedule??? On the upside yay art class for not having a book and letting me drawn for 4 hours every Monday and Wednesday! My advisor wants me to draw him a fruit bowl xD

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Catch up

I really should get on and post more often. Since the last post I have graduated from university and come out as Asexual Panromantic. I have also gotten a new dog and settled into the new house. We were supposed to move in last March but it was actually May when we finally moved in and we had been staying at the house since March without furniture camping out in the living room. We also got a new cat. My best friend got married last May and is expecting her first child come January. I am still lost on all things religious and have pretty much given up on accepting any specific religion. I don't know why I ever write this stuff no one really reads it... Oh well I like peas. :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

A new year

Happy belated new year everyone. Classes start Tuesday and I am excited! I passed all of my classes last semester with B's even calc 2. I moved over break and move again in march wooooo so much fun.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The day...

I think my brain will implode soon. Too much Calculus II in too short of time. It is fun it just gets ridiculous with all of the substitutions. Time for a well earned break of calc. and on to bioorganic for a bit before calc. class.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Let the Craziness Continue...

Well classes started this Monday and it's been a bit hectic. Calc. II, BioOrganic, Physics, & Evolution this semester. My week is almost over I have 1 more class today and 1 class tomorrow. I've already had homework assigned and it is keeping me quite content. I am currently working on a integration review worksheet but since I am a to lazy to check my work I found an integration calculator to do it for me. :) I have posted the calculator in case anyone would like to try it. Not that I expect anyone to even read this but oh well, such is life. I'm going to finish my work now. Have a great weekend people of the interwebs.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The New Beginning of Insanity

My mom wanted to start a blog so I being the awesome daughter set one up for her. Woohoo... But weirdly her being all artsy has more followers than me. Ah well. This is just a test post anyway.